SteamPro Conservation
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We have satisfied many clients around the world and these are some of the testimonials they would like to share with us. They have made us proud of what we are doing and we sincerely would like to take this opportunity to show our appreciation of your submmited testimonial.
"We would like to acknowledge SteamPro for having a capable & dedicated technical team who had showed great sense of responsibility and commitmen at SSMT.”
"The improvements have resulted in more than 10% fuel cost savings, plus huge savings on feed water & water chemical to boiler after converting to SP-CRD .”
"The potential high savings will ensure that returns on investment are short.”

"We have also saved on our maintenance and labour cost since very minimal maintenance is required.”
"We unreservedly recommend SteamPro System to any organization as being complementary to their outstanding and reliable products and the professionalism of its team.”  

"By using SteamPro System(Condensate-Removal-Device(SP-CRD) & Recovery Unit(CRU)) the average saving achieved is 22% in steam energy cost."  

"Together with full conversion with Steampro, we experience approximately 30% overall savings in steam energy cost. Furthermore, our Ironer process temperature increased by 10 °C and this directly improved productivity."